Thursday, March 26, 2020

Design and Layout Wk 12 March 27

A logo is an identifying mark for a product, service, or organization also called a trademark.

An identifying mark, such as a logo, should communicate a about a product, service, or organization.

Sometimes logos work on their own, while other times companies pair them up with a tagline. 

Fisher-Price is seen alone, or with "play. laugh. grow." under it. 

Logos can also be paired up with secondary logos. Fisher-Price has the brands Little People, Thomas and Friends, Rescue Heroes and more under their belt. 

It's important to be able to take a logo, and work it into many things:

When designing a logo, think clean, simple, graphic and easy to read. 

Start your logo out black, white and grey, we'll move to color next week. We do this to make it readable, function in away that it can be copied. Often times more than one version exists. 

Even on their products:

When you create a logo, you are faced with the task of creating a design that will identify your clients product or business.

A designers hardest job is to make the logo different from its competition. 

That's why I had you get their competition last week. 

A logo should be unique, memorable, and recognizable at a glance. 

Even without the name added.

Keep it consistent!

While it's good to have logo varieties, it's also good to be consistent with the logo

Its important to design a logo appropriately in terms of style.

What might work for a bank, may not work for a park. 

Paula Scher works at a HUGE Design Co-Op Firm in NY. She's the Logo Master. 

ARTIST SERIES: Paula Scher from Hillman Curtis on Vimeo.

Logos are often used for long periods of time. 

Create one that will last through style changes.

Simple is often better.

Make it distinctive.

It should work in various sizes:

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